Why Have We Not Posted for a While?

What Does Our Delay Say About Career Development and Mental Health?  It’s been so long that we have posted anything that you may have forgotten you’ve subscribed to our blog on career development and mental health. We hope you are well and have coped as best you can with the many concerns accompanying the pandemic.  […]

A Six-Moral Story: Career Development & Mental Health Research Project!

Connections count in career development. Dave’s involvement in the field is due to Kris Magnusson, a classmate in our PhD program many years ago. Kris Magnusson introduced Dave and Michael in the early 1990s. Without that introduction, we would likely not have met and, even if we had, may not have connected in the same […]

Finding Our Place(s) in an Uncertain Transition

Our book was officially launched in virtual form in Australia last month! Our part in the festivities (we’re imagining there were fireworks in all the big cities; too bad no one took pictures) included a webinar hosted by the Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV –, also known as the Australian Centre for Career […]

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Free Career Development & Mental Health Webinar Coming, and More

Our book (Strengthening Mental Health through Effective Career Development) launched in January at the Cannexus conference ( in Ottawa. In all, about a thousand delegates took home copies of the book and some have already read and provided evaluations through the links we set up on our website (please go to to complete the evaluation if […]

Book Launch!

Next week we’re off to Ottawa attending Cannexus (, Canada’s national career development conference. We try to attend every year because it is always a rewarding use of time—a chance to learn about our field’s work, connect with friends and colleagues, and meet and learn from career development practitioners working on the front lines in […]

Why Connect Career Development and Mental Health?

Why make the case for career development as a mental health intervention? As we’ve pursued the Career Development and Mental Health project, we’ve become increasingly aware of the values underlying the initiative and, through working with interested others, with a rationale for carrying on. Obviously (this is true for us, but because you’re reading this, […]

Career Development Impacts Mental Health: “Uh-Duh” or Evidence is Needed?

People have received help with their career development from time immemorial. Masters led their apprentices, students worked with teachers, daughters and sons worked alongside mothers and fathers, and the young have been guided by Elders all in the service of helping individuals hone their craft(s) and progress along a vocational pathway. This help, however, had […]

Book Announcement

We’re Writing a Book on Career Development & Mental Health! At long last, we have a partnership agreement with CERIC to write a book about the impact of career development on mental health! The book’s primary audience will be front-line career development practitioners in employment centres, schools, post-secondaries, and career counselling offices. It will be […]

CDMH Update

Now that the book has been launched we welcome your feedback. Click below to go to the comment page. Concise Survey       Full Survey Thanks for your support (and patience while we build up resources for you).

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